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Mød os på Grønt Fellesskap i uge 40

24. September, 2020|

2020 har været havens år, for vi har alle været hjemme og nydt dens spirende liv og blomstring. I Fernando har vi har arbejdet hårdt [...]

Meet our employees!

Senior team

At first you shouldn’t think that a retired school teacher, a former remover, a former bus driver and a former shop owner had much in common. Except that they are now coworkers.

In 2013 the first senior employee got hired at Fernando. Through the years more have come, and the staff consist today of six employees. The employees have their daily routine at the warehouse and are an important part of Fernando. They contribute to making sure that the warehouse runs so that the right items comes in and the right items goes out. The employees have different backgrounds but now comes together around the same agenda at Fernando.

Our senior employees contribute with their handy “do-it-yourself” solutions. There is a good chemistry and humor in the air between our grey gold and the rest of the Fernando team.  The competences of the senior team contribute to the development at Fernando.

All together they form a fantastic senior team.

Job at fernando

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    monday-thursday: kl.
    friday: kl. 8.00-14.00

    monday-thursday: kl. 7.00-15.00
    friday: kl. 7.00-12.30

    OFFICE:  Klokkestøbervej 12, 8800 Viborg DK


    PHONE.: +45 86 62 34 46

    CVR: DK 26214572
    BANK: Vestjysk Bank
    KONTO: 76051064996
    IBAN: DK0776050001064996

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